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Nau mai haere mai - Welcome

Our Vision: Create economic opportunity for Māori and Pasifika Whānau everyday through entrepreneurship.

Our Mission: Our mission at Stay Connected is to make BUSINESS an everyday conversation within our whānau, hapū and iwi, ultimately building the foundations for us now and the future generations to come.  We will improve 100,000 lives of our people through business.

Running a business or multiple businesses on your own can be challenging. Don't waste time trying to Do it all on your own when the support you need to thrive is all on our platform STAY CONNECTED. As a STAY CONNECTED member, you'll never face a challenge alone again.
You'll save time, money, make connections and feel amazing as you make faster progress in your business with us.

We are here to provide a wrap a round service for our people when they want to get started and grow their business. 


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